Saturday, February 09, 2008

what a photographer, what a day!

Yesterday I got to hang out all day with Sarah Maren and her wünderhusband Dustin. We shot a Friday wedding in Sacramento for a beautiful and centered couple called Felicia and Peter. Felicia's from Australia and was warmly welcomed into Peter's hometown and community. Coincidentally, they both currently live in the Boston area and we shared a dinner with a couple of Peter's MIT friends.

I don't usually get a chance to shoot the guys since most of the main photographer's attention is usually focused on the bride getting ready. But as a second I got to spend a few minutes with Peter, Patrick, and Daniel before they headed over to the ceremony.

As usual, I really loved second shooting with Sarah. She's super energetic and has a really innovative and creative way of approaching a situation.

Here's my lomo-ish photo of Sarah outside the California state house. Aren't I emo? We actually walked right past Swartzenegger's office!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i lurve the groomsmen sunflare shot.