Monday, October 23, 2006

New Camera, Successful Wedding, Monarch Butterfly

I just invested in a great new camera, and boy is it ever rocking my world. Here's why:

This is the fifth photo that came out of the camera. Do you see those colors?

And here's a photo of one of my co-photographers, Gwyneth. This was taken by the side of the road on the way to photograph yesterday's wedding.

And finally, here is a photo of Leah and Gabriel, the musician couple whose wedding we photographed yesterday afternoon in a little town called Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts. The way they found me is great -- my friend Lauren plays in a string quartet I enjoy photographing. the wife of one of the violin players passed along my name to their friends who are also string players, who were looking for a wedding photographer for a month or two away. I was so pleased to be available to be a part of their big day.

Though I haven't looked at everything yet, I'm pretty sure this is my favorite of the two of them together. I love that big tree, and the colors. And that the composition is a little bit different from your traditional wedding pose.

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