I was amazed when I first chatted with them at the beginning of our session to find out how truly shy they both feel in front of the camera.

You'd think people who are this beautiful would know it. I mean, it's as if they are walking off the pages of a magazine.

Christine and Greg are a classy couple. She's wearing a red ruby engagement ring. He owns his own tuxedo. She wore Jimmy Choo shoes for our session. He sold his car to get the ring; and then went on to get the wedding band from Tiffanys (and he works in education!).

There's a scene in Disney's Fantasia that I love. It's where all of the little fauns gather together in a girl gang and a guy gang. The guys come galloping up and most quickly pair up with the opposite-sex faun with the corresponding color scheme and floral accoutrements. But of course there's one little shy girl who goes off alone in a corner, then of course we pan over to the one little shy guy faun and in the end they find one another and they match perfectly. I know it's a little silly but these two just remind me of that Disney vignette.
Thanks for a fun time exploring fan pier, you guys! It's the first time I have been that close to the barking crab and the ICA, and they made great backdrops. Can't wait for Saturday when you will have your own special fireworks display in Connecticut....
[more photos from our session available here]
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